Fusion is a great place to hang out, make friends, eat food, play games and most importantly grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to help students to know Christ and to make Him known.

Grades 7th – High School

Wednesdays   /  6:00 – 7:30 PM

We have an element of fun while also giving teens an opportunity to connect with each other and hear Christ-centered teaching that will challenge them in their spiritual walk.

Christian Education Hour

Every Sunday Morning we meet for an in depth Bible Study at 9:30am. This is a great opportunity for teens to grow in their understanding of God’s Word and their knowledge of Christ.


Bible Quizzing

The WBC Bible Quizzing Ministry exists as a means for encouraging young people to study God’s Word in depth, to commit Scripture to memory, and as a means to disciple and build one another up in the Lord.

We Like To:

  • Have fun
  • Study hard
  • Take trips
  • Practice diligently
  • Compete Competitively
  • Laugh Loudly

A part of IFCA Bible Quizzing